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NEW FRONTIERS IN BANKING – March 29 and 30 2019

BAFFI CAREFIN Centre is pleased to announce the third conference on “New Frontiers in Banking: from Corporate Governance to Risk Management”, jointly organized with La Sapienza – Università di Roma and The Review of Financial Studies.

The conference, in English, will be held at Università Bocconi on March 29 and 30, 2019.

The conference programme includes five academic sessions and a plenary session. We anticipate a high level of interaction among the participants, both during and between sessions.

Bengt Holmstroem (Nobel Prize Laureate, Paul A. Samuelson Professor of Economics, MIT) will give the keynote speech on March 29th at 11:00, followed by a policy round table where academics and practitioners, especially regulators and supervisors, can exchange views and discuss the emerging issues addressed by the current academic discourse.

Please find attached the detailed programme of the event.


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